Monday, January 2, 2012

Pumpkin Math

Pumpkin Math is always one of my favorite activities!  The children have a bunch of fun and practice many math and science skills!  We observe, estimate, weigh, measure, and count!  This year we had 6 pumpkins with 7 parents and 1 grandparent joining us to complete our activities!

This year the parents did a really good job helping the children work through their Pumpkin Math sheets and made sure they recorded their estimates before they weighed and measured.

 We used unifix cubes to measure the height of our pumpkins,
 We counted the seams.

 This year I added a new discovery...does a pumpkin sink or float?

 Pumpkins Float!  Who knew?

 We estimated the circumference using a piece of yarn.  Then we measured with a tape measure.

Then came the fun of designing how we wanted to carve the pumpkins!

Digging out the gooey insides of the pumpkin and counting seeds!

Let the carving begin!
Keep counting those seeds!

Alyssa found seeds in her pumpkin that were already beginning to sprout!
Keep counting those seeds!
100 seeds!

Jack-o-Lanterns lit up during rest time
The children did a fantastic job!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


All lined up and ready for the Jog-a-thon to start!
 Doesn't everyone need a bright pink flower headband to run??
 Someone needs to finish waking up before the run!
 Kindergarten is ready to run!
 My brother in law, Ross, gets his lap counting volunteers ready.
 Rhett's big sister, Ivy, gets ready to run with the 4th graders
 Warming up!
 Heading out to the astroturf to walk the first lap.
 And here we go!!!

 Don't forget to drink plenty of water.
 Waiting to get our lap cards marked.
 Walking and resting after a few laps.

 Still running!

 Are we almost finished?
 Popsicles at 9:30 in the morning!

 How many laps did you run???

 This was fun!
 Love those blue popsicles!
 Brother and Sister runners!
 And the flower still looks good!!
We had a great time at the Jog-a-thon!  The weather was perfect, everyone did a fantastic job, and we had popsicles at the end!  Who could ask  for anything more?