Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pumpkin Math

Halloween brought us to one of my favorite activities...Pumpkin Math! We brainstormed words to describe our pumpkins on the Activboard so we would be ready when the parents came.
We had enough parents so we were able to work in partners.
 Estimating the circumference of the pumpkin with yarn.
 Scooping out the insides and counting seeds.
 Counting the seams
 How do they want me to carve this??
 Checking out the design book for carving ideas.
Hayden is rolling up his sleeves...I think he was ready to go in and scoop out the insides of the pumpkin.
One of the activities in Pumpkin Math is finding out if a pumpkin will sink or float.  We had a few issues with the sand/water table.  We started out with just a little leak around the plug, but this pumpkin proved to be too much for the water table.  Thankfully Mr. Tim was able to come in and mop up the water when the table cracked and leaked out everywhere!
 So we went to plan B and filled the sink with water.
 Many were surprised to find out that yes, pumpkins do float!
 Showing off the "goop" inside their pumpkin.
 Filling the counting sheet.

 Finding pumpkin sprouts inside their pumpkin.
 Even more sprouts are found.
 Everyone working hard.
 Showing off their Pumpkin Math pages!
And the results of all of our hard work!
Pumpkin Math was great fun, even with a little flood!
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us and to the parents that were able to send in pumpkins and supplies!

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