Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Gingerbread Man

After reading The Gingerbread Man Big Book
 we decorated a large Gingerbread Man and took him to the cafeteria to be baked.  We returned to the cafeteria the next day and much to our surprise Miss Sandy told us the Gingerbread Man had jumped out of the oven and run away.  He left us a note which took us to the Library where we met Mrs. Graph.  She told us that she saw him but she could not catch him.  He left another note that led us to the clinic where we met Miss McKenna.  She also let him get away but had another note telling us to go to the office the next day.

 On Friday we made our way to Mr. Dragon's office.

 He had found the Gingerbread Man running in the halls, caught him and put him right back on the pan.  We thanked him for catching The Gingerbread Man for us and told him we were going to eat him!

 And we did!

 We also made Gingerbread Men with Fruit Loops.  Some children decided to make patterns with their Fruit Loops.
 We added faces and buttons

We read and compared 6 different versions of the Gingerbread Man

 and learned that folktales have basically the same story but some characters and events may be a little different.  In the end the fox usually got to eat the Gingerbread Man by tricking him, except for The Gingerbread Girl version.  This was more of a sequel but, she outfoxed the fox!

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