Monday, July 30, 2012

Class Lists

Class lists should be arriving soon or at least in the next week. The office staff has returned and they should be open for registration.

We, as teachers, always start wondering who we will have this year and how our classes will come together.  And as a Kindergarten teacher we always have that extra thought of "Oh no! We have start ALL OVER again".  The first weeks in kindergarten are always the hardest and most tiring.  We have been know to describe it as herding ants, although ants do seem to be able to walk in a line, or holding a tray full of marbles and keeping them all still at the same time.
The beginning of the year is always exciting.  I am looking forward to it! I will probably go in one day this week to start setting up the furniture.  I just hope they have cleaned the carpets by now and oh yeah...fixed the air conditioning unit that was leaking through the ceiling as I left in June.

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